User Interface: Biosynth Settings
Inventory Tab
On the Inventory Tab, you can view your Biosynth’s available Weapons, System Components, Resources, and Blueprints by selecting the appropriate tab on the left side of the menu.
Weapons Tab
On the Weapons Tab, you can view your Biosynth’s available Weapons, evolve them, upgrade them, and forge legendary versions of them.
Choosing A Weapon: You can view your available weapons by clicking on a the three symbols for the Combat Proficiencies and then clicking the Basic, Evolved, or Legendary tabs. Within each tab, you can view the available weapons in your arsenal. Learn more about a weapon by hovering over it and click on the weapon to select it.
System Tab
On the System Tab, you can view your Biosynth’s available System Components, evolve them, upgrade them, and supercharge them.
Choosing Your System Components: You can view your available System Components by clicking the various icons on the left side of the menu and then clicking the Basic, Evolved, or Supercharged tabs. Within each tab, you can view your available System Components. Learn more about a System Component by hovering over it and click on the weapon to select it.
Resources Tab
On the resources tab, you will find all of the Augments, Crystals, and Charges in your inventory. From this tab you will also be able to mint your resources to your blockchain wallet.
Blueprints Tab
On the Blueprints Tab, you will find all of your Blueprints in your inventory. From this tab you will also be able to mint your blueprints to your blockchain wallet.
Training Tab
Training Data: For each Combat Proficiency, there is a corresponding type of Training Data that can be found in the Outskirts by using a weapon within that proficiency. Use that Training Data to level up the proficiency giving you bonuses and unlocking new weapons. The panel above the Train button displays the amount of Training Data you have for each proficiency.
Training Combat Proficiencies: You can choose which proficiency you wish to train by clicking on the appropriate symbol on the left side of the screen and then clicking the “Train” button. By hovering over the “Train” button, you can see the requirements to train to the next level and the effect of doing so.
Weapon Proficiency Damage Boosts: Each level of Proficiency Trained will give your Biosynth a 5% Base Damage Boost. Proficiencies across Weapon types stack (i.e. If you train each of Bludgeoning, Slicing and Chopping to level two, you will have a 15% Damage Boost when fielding any of those weapons.
Unlocking Basic Weapons: On this menu you can also see the Basic Weapons you have yet to unlock as well as the requirements for doing so. To unlock a weapon click on that weapon and click the unlock button and wait a few seconds for the weapon to unlock.
Training System Proficiency: You can train your System Proficiency by clicking the “Train” button. By hovering over the “Train” button, you can see the requirements to train to the next level and the effect of doing so. Each additional System Proficiency level will now give you +5% Shield and +5% Health.
Weapon and System Proficiency Boost Caps: Proficiencies are tracked on the account level, which means each Biosynth you Print into the Outskirts will have access to the previously trained boosts. However, there is a 5 level Cap that each Biosynth can apply. For example, if your System Proficiency is at Level 8, and you field a Level 2 Biosynth, you will only receive Shield and Health bonuses up to Level 7.
Unlocking Basic System Components: Basic System components are automatically unlocked upon reaching the necessary Biosynth and System Proficiency levels.
Abilities Tab
On the Abilities Tab you can view and select the abilities you will use in the Outskirts as well as the requirements for leveling up those abilities.
Ability Slots: Once your Biosynth has achieved both Biosynth Level and Combat Proficiency Level 2, you will be able to select an ability. Abilities’ Power levels increase based on Biosynth Data Points and Combat Proficiency requirements. Learn each ability type (Bludgeoning: Blast, Slicing: Wave, Chopping: Strike) by leveling up each of the three combat proficiencies and then use those abilities across all three weapon types (e.g., you may train "Blast" by leveling up your Bludgeoning with Bludgeoning Training Data, and then equip the "Blast" Ability while using your Sword). Your 2nd and 3rd ability slots require Biosynth and System levels 6 and 11 respectively to unlock.
Upgrade Requirements: By selecting an ability, you can learn more about what that ability does and learn the requirements for upgrading that ability to the next level.
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